Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I probably shouldn't be telling you this...

So yesterday, the boy-
Oh wait. any newbies visiting may not know the deal.
I have a son who is a year and a half, and he is a Wild Boy.
Not "Lord of the Flies" wild, but "Where the Wild Things Are" wild.
Well, one of his favorite things is running. I must say, the boy is quick. I am fast when given a few feet, but he is quick off the fly. Only problem is, his brakes don't work so well.
That being said, he has frequent accidents of an irresistible force/immovable object sort of nature.
Anyway, his most recent smash up involved his face and the coffee table. Apparently, he lost his balance rounding the table, slipped, and smacked his cheek/cheekbone on the edge of the table.
Needless to say it looked God-awful.
So now he has a G.I. Joe (Old school 12" tall version complete with "real" hair) scar on his left cheek. It has healed pretty well, and it's now a centimeter thick pinkish line that extends from just past his nostril to the outer corner of his eye.
I know this is horrible, but a small part of me wants it to stay, because it looks kinda cool in a James Bond bad guy sort of way. (I know, I know, again with the bad guys)
It's weird, as handsome as the boy is, that slight mark makes him even MORE handsome.
Maybe he WILL grow up to be a Bond nemesis...
Those guys have a short life expectancy.
Maybe he will become an evil genius.
He will surely idolize particularly evil guys modeling his life and career after them.
Guys like George Bu-

Maybe he will take over the world-leaving his dear mother and father Costa Rica to rule in a hierarchy similar to Britain.
You know, where WE get to run things, but don't have to do all the work.

Maybe he will invent a weather machine and hold the world under his thumb until they succumb to his ridiculous demands.

Maybe he will be so warped by his scar that he will don a steel mask to cover his entire face and use his knowledge of electronics to build an innumerable army of unstoppable robots which will force the world to bend to his will.

Big dreams for the boy.

Or maybe the scar will just fade away in a couple of days, and he will just go back to being our sweet little boy.
That's probably for the best.

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